
Crazy Whale collab

Sejob1975 + HerbieCans Collab

Hace tiempo un compañero del foro de 3DPoder me propuso adaptar mis personajes a 3D. Ahora esta colaboracion conjunta a vuelto a tomar fuerza.

Aqui esta Crazy Whale, modelada por Sejob1975. Este artista del 3D ha sabido darle vida a Crazy Whale como jamas hubiera imaginado. ^__^ ¡Desde aqui muchas gracias Sejob1975!

Si les gusta, ¡mantenganse al acecho! ¡Hay mas de camino!

It's been a while since a 3Dpoder forum matetold me about making my characters in 3D.Now this collaboration starts steping with stregth.

Here is Crazy Whale, modeled by Sejob1975. This talented 3D artist has known how to take Crazy Whale into 3D life as I wouldn't have ever espected! From here I want to thank him.

If you enjoy this stuff, keep an eye on this! More are coming!!

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